Physical Combat Scene in Unknown 9 Awakening

Unknown 9: Combat vs. Stealth Playstyle – Which Is Better?

In Unknown 9: Awakening, you can choose to engage enemies head-on with combat or take a more calculated, silent approach with stealth. Haroona’s Umbric abilities allow you to excel in both areas, but each playstyle has its strengths and weaknesses. This guide will break down both methods so you can decide which approach works best for you.

Reader’s Digest:

  1. Combat is fast and aggressive: Ideal for players who enjoy direct engagement and using powerful abilities.
  2. Stealth requires patience and precision: Perfect for those who prefer outsmarting enemies and avoiding direct confrontation.
  3. Mixing both playstyles: Combining combat and stealth can be the most effective way to handle various situations.
  4. Best abilities for each style: Some abilities are better suited for combat, while others shine in stealth.
  5. Which is better?: It depends on your personal preference and the type of challenge you’re facing.

Combat vs. Stealth in Unknown 9: Awakening – Which Playstyle Fits You?

Whether you prefer to charge in with full force or sneak around unseen, Unknown 9 gives you the tools to excel in either playstyle. Here’s a comparison of both approaches.

Combat – Fast, Aggressive, and Direct

Combat in Unknown 9 is all about using Haroona’s Umbric abilities to overpower enemies quickly. Players who enjoy fast-paced action will likely prefer this style, as it allows for intense, powerful moves. Haroona’s abilities like Crushing and Pushing are designed to inflict heavy damage and knock enemies down in seconds.

  • Pros:
    • Quick and dynamic, perfect for players who want fast, direct engagements.
    • Umbric abilities like Crushing and Pulling make combat impactful and satisfying.
    • You can take down multiple enemies at once with environmental hazards​.
  • Cons:
    • High risk of taking damage, especially if outnumbered.
    • Depletes your Am gauge faster due to frequent ability use​.
    • Enemies will swarm if you make too much noise.

Stealth – Patient, Precise, and Controlled

Stealth is the alternative approach for players who enjoy outsmarting their enemies. Haroona can use Stepping to phase out of sight or Shrouding to become invisible, allowing her to avoid detection. Stealthy players will enjoy taking down enemies one by one without raising alarms, making this style slower but often safer.

  • Pros:
    • Less chance of taking damage since enemies don’t detect you.
    • Stepping and Shrouding make it easy to sneak past large groups of enemies.
    • You can often bypass difficult encounters entirely.
  • Cons:
    • Requires more patience and planning.
    • Progress is slower due to careful positioning.
    • If you’re detected, it can quickly turn into an overwhelming combat scenario​.

Mixing Both Playstyles for Flexibility

One of the best approaches is to combine combat and stealth. Many encounters in Unknown 9 allow for flexibility, where you can start with stealth to thin out enemy numbers, then switch to combat for the final confrontation. This hybrid approach offers the most control, letting you adapt based on the situation. For example, start by using Stepping to sneak up on enemies, then switch to Crushing for a high-damage attack once you’ve been detected​.


1. Which abilities are best for combat?
Abilities like Crushing and Pushing are designed for combat. They deal heavy damage and can knock multiple enemies off their feet at once.

2. What abilities should I use for stealth?
For stealth, focus on Stepping to phase out of sight and Shrouding to become invisible. These abilities help you avoid detection and sneak up on enemies.

3. Can I switch between combat and stealth during the same mission?
Yes, you can blend both styles during a mission. Start with stealth to eliminate enemies silently, then switch to combat if you’re spotted or need to clear out the rest quickly.

4. Which playstyle is better for harder enemies?
For tougher enemies, stealth allows you to control the battlefield by taking them down one at a time, but combat can overwhelm them with powerful abilities if you’re prepared to manage your Am gauge.


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